Anger is the most misunderstood emotion. People label it as ‘negative’ or ‘bad’. They say that if anger is present you haven't ‘healed’ and didnt get an A+ in being a spiritual person.
Well.. I say: LOL. How wrong.
People dont know how to USE anger. They dont know what it means. They dont understand how important and integral it is.
You actually need anger.
Dont get it twisted with the MISUSE of anger (aggression, disconnection etc).
When we have suppressed anger (which I’d say most people do, because its an emotion that people either try and hide, or comes out exploding).. then we often have physical symptoms associated with anger too.
Im talking skin issues (eczema, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis etc), gut issues, weight issues, hormonal, period issues, The list goes on.
In here, I teach WHAT anger is, HOW we are supposed to use it. And low key, I shift your entire perspective on anger, how you relate to it, how the suppressed anger is showing up and what to do about it.
This is revolutionary. And I dont say that lightly! To come into a healthier relationship with something, you need to understand what it is and how to use it. You cant just avoid it forever and then blame random things. Love ya.
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